The bar for quality cannabis/hemp events in Tennessee had been set high the last time we visited, in late 2019. This January, Nashville outdid itself once again with the party held last Friday the 13th at the Soho House to promote the products available from Perfect Plant Hemp Co. and celebrate with a very interesting and alcohol-free beverage menu:
As mentioned in the post, the event began at 8:00 pm and not even the low temperature (off 0 ºC) could stop locals from gathering at the Alley bar of the iconic building at the blooming Nashville Art District for cannabis infused drinks, hemp derived extract gummies, and the growingly popular THCa flower pre-rolls.

This isn’t the first time a local brand invites cannabis lovers to gather for a unique experience at this location. Last year, Canvast catered a dinner offering their new options, which now include adaptogens (we love to see it!), with the great style that characterizes their brand:
El lugar es muy acogedor, estuvo alumbrado con luz tenue y cálida, música del Dj invitado en el fondo y una fila cíclica hacia el bar no-alcohólico muy sociable. Las mesas estaban acompañadas de folletos de Plant Perfect espectacularmente diseñados y con información muy completa además.
La curiosidad por este tipo de experiencias la teníamos desde el Dry January del 2019, cuando Plant People, por ejemplo, ofreció un "free-booze bar" con cócteles infusionados con CBD en Nueva York:
You could find drinks from 10mg or 5mg THC and CBD, to mixtures without any cannabinoids, and others with adaptogens or kava and kratom offerings for under $10, behind the bar 2 friendly gals, who even though we had a hard time hearing due to the ambient of the party, when offered adding a shot of Ghia to our drinks, we couldn’t say no.
Ghia has become an icon in non alcoholic beverages, and has become known lots thanks to the snack blog Snaxshot, and now it enhances experiences wherever it is presented.
Fruity mixtures were the evening’s trademark. Promising and delivering in accompanying the effect of cannabinoids with soft flavors, while we chatted away with friends and local artists.

As common knowledge dictates, orally ingested cannabis might take a bit longer to take effect when compared to inhaled intake, which is why it’s always recommended to know our dosing limit or start at a lower dose to calculate how much to consume. This was our case, where we sampled a few drinks and later on perceived the 15mg about an hour after arrival. These were some of the drinks offered and sampled:
It’s always exciting to think about all that can be accomplished and done with hemp derived materials, and watching it unfold and be executed in Tennessee with great creativity makes us truly happy, since thanks to this place we began our journey towards the search for natural and intelligent solutions for the day to day life.
Pictures of an unforgettable night:
In our mission to bind together technology with art and hemp, we share our January schedule here which we will be attending, continuing our efforts to bring ideas for projects related to the plant we know as Cannabis sativa L. Subscribe to our newsfeed to learn more about the details of the Hemp Textile Expo in February.